Camper Mail

Campers love getting letters from their family! Your camper will also be encouraged to write to you.Be sure to provide your child with pre-addressed envelopes and postage stamps in his or her packing so they can write you back.
Camper mail (letters, parcels, emails) are delivered to the camper cabins on regular business days (Monday – Friday, except statutory holidays). One of our office staff will sort the mail in the morning, and one our camp counsellors will deliver the mail to the cabins during rest hour after lunch. There is no mail delivery on weekends.
You can greatly assist the process by making sure that your mail is properly addressed to your camper with their full name, session, and cabin (you can find out your child’s cabin on arrival day, or contact our admin office).
Letter Mail & Parcels
Address your mail to:
Camper Name, Session, Cabin Name
c/o Camp Kawartha
1010 Birchview Road
Douro-Dummer, Ontario KOL 2H0
To protect those with severe life-threatening allergies (and keep critters out of the cabins), DON’T put any food, snacks, or candies in parcels or mail to your camper.
Do not send fax messages to your camper. Our fax machine is for business purposes only.
Care Packages
Visit our online Gift Store for a variety of items that can be delivered to your child at camp, along with a message from you. We recommend you send personalized labels and/or a marker when packing for camp so your child can label their gifts with their name once received.
Please allow 2-3 business days for processing your order. (i.e. if the order is submitted outside our regular office hours, on weekends or statutory holidays, it will be processed the next business day.
Phone Calls
Phone calls can cause even the most independent camper to feel homesick, and are disruptive to the daily routine. Campers are not allowed to call home or receive telephone calls while at camp.
If you have any concerns, you may contact the camp for a status report. Please be certain that we will contact you if there is an emergency or concern regarding your camper.
Email Messages
Email messages to campers will be printed on regular business days (Mon-Fri, except stat holidays), and distributed to campers along with any letter mail. Printed emails are viewed by staff in the course of their delivery, therefore messages should not include any sensitive or confidential information. Emails received within 24 hours of departure may not be delivered in time. Campers do not have access to the internet and therefore cannot respond by email.