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Camp Kawartha at Your School

Outdoor Learning

At Your School

A series of curriculum-linked programming that we can teach your students at your own schoolyard. Not only are each of the programs linked to the Ontario Curriculum, but they also support the landmarks of the Pathway to Stewardship and Kinship Program, led by Camp Kawartha and are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

To make a booking, contact Neil Fortin 705-652-3860 Extension 206

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Kids in a classroom with teacher

Discover Your School’s

True Nature

“I’d like to take my students outside, but I don’t know what I can do with them.  I don’t know much about nature or how this might link to the curriculum.”  

Camp Kawartha is happy to come to your school and provide you and your colleagues with strategies, tips and approaches that will help you connect your students to nature.  We have a limited pool of funding to help us offer this workshop at no charge.

Teacher Workshop Series

Camp Kawartha, winner of 20 awards for its work in environmental education and stewardship is offering 10 hands-on workshops to help teachers use their own schoolyard and nearby natural areas as an extension of their classroom. The latest research is demonstrating the tremendous physical and mental health benefits of time spent in nature. Students are happier, focus better and cooperate more fully even after a brief period of time spent in your schoolyard, or nearby green space.

Led by Experienced Outdoor Educators, We'll Showcase:

  • Examples of curriculum linked activities and lessons that lend themselves to outdoor learning
  • Strategies to manage students outdoors
  • How to prepare and organize outdoor education experiences
  • Ideas to link indoor and outdoor learning. Connections to the Pathway Project Landmarks

FREE! Thanks to a generous donation from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, this workshop series is being offered at no cost.

To make a booking, contact Neil Fortin 705-652-3860 Extension 206

Pathway to Stewardship and Kinship Logo
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Teacher's Guide to Outdoor Learning

We’ve created for you, a comprehensive Teacher’s Guide that provides tips, resources, strategies and activities to encourage outdoor learning.  Click the Guide to download your own free copy.