Ways to Support
There are various ways to make a donation to Camp Kawartha. Every dollar makes a difference, and 100% of your donation goes directly to the fund of your choice. Charitable tax receipts are issued for all monetary donations of $25 or more.
Our Charitable Registration Number is: 12453 9214 RR0001
Donate Online
The quickest and easiest way to donate to Camp Kawartha is by using our secure online donation form through CanadaHelps. You will be issued a charitable tax receipt automatically. Click here to view our donation page.
Donate by Mail
Mail your donation a to Camp Kawartha, 1010 Birchview Road, Douro-Dummer, ON K0L 2H0
Please include a note or use our Donation Form to indicate that your cheque is a donation and to which fund you would like your donation directed.
Donate by Phone
Call our Administration Office at 705-652-3860 or 1-866-532-4597 and speak to our Philanthropy Coordinator at extension 208, to make a donation by credit card over the phone. Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm.
In-Kind Gifts
Do you or your company have something to share? Your in-kind donation of needed materials and services allows us to devote more money and resources to our programs by reducing our operating expenses. Please contact our Fundraising Coordinator at 705-652-3860 ext. 207 to help support us.
Join our Monthly Donors
By becoming a monthly donor to Camp Kawartha, your consistent support will ensure that young people maintain access to nature-based education, environmental stewardship programs, and unforgettable outdoor adventures. Each month, your donation helps sustain the camp’s facilities, subsidies for those in need, and innovative programming that fosters personal growth and environmental awareness. By joining as a monthly donor, you’re not just giving financial support; you’re investing in the future of our youth, empowering them with skills and memories that last a lifetime.
Legacy Giving
A legacy or planned gift is a charitable gift made from your estate and a commitment to the future. These deferred gifts can help you make the most of your assets while, at the same time, sustain your passion for Environmental Education by making a powerful impact on the lives of children for future generations.
Making a legacy gift can be as simple as considering the people and causes that are important to you now and making arrangements to continue supporting them in the future by:
- Leaving a Bequest (a gift in your will)
- Naming Camp Kawartha as a beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy or RRSP
- Creating an Endowment at Camp Kawartha
Your support will also enhance existing programs and help in developing new initiatives that will contribute to the environmental education that Camp Kawartha is known for.
Camp Kawartha encourages all donors who are planning a significant gift to seek independent legal and/or financial planning advice.