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Post-Visit “Hide and Seek: A Program about Camouflage”

Post-Visit “Hide and Seek: A Program about Camouflage”

Art Project:

  • Draw yourself with colour – how do you change when you feel different emotions? 
  • How do different animals act when they are scared? Trying to find a mate? Nursing their babies? Etc.? 

Exploration Dice (as described in the book: Discover Your School’s Better Nature by Jacob Rodenburg)

  • This is an activity that bounces you around the landscape 
  • Find two large blocks (wood or cardboard – or foam if you have already on hand, try not to purchase the latter), a good size is 15cmx15cm cubes, but anything will work. 
  • On one block place a direction on each side (N, W, E, S, SW/NE. NW/SE).
  • On the other block place 6 numbers (ex: 4, 8, 13, 18, 22, 29)
  • Roll the dice together
  • Then walk the number of steps (or meters) in the direction that is revealed
  • Then say: “hunker down”. Have the students bend down and look at what is right beneath them, is there anything interesting? Hiding? What colours do we see when we look closely? What about if we touch these things gently? Are they wet, crumbly, soft, etc.?

Sound Mapping (Camp Kawartha)

  • Each student sits quietly in a spot by themselves with some markers and a piece of paper
  • Have them “map” the sounds they hear
  • Afterwards have them identify the direction(s) where different sounds were coming from
  • If they heard different animals/birds, could they see them? Why not?
  • This is a great activity to repeat as many times as possible over the course of the seasons. The children become acquainted with “their spot”.

Read: I Hear You, Forest by Kallie George, illustrated by Carmen Mok

  • Ideally read the book to your class outside. 

Read: Thunder and the Noise Storms by Jeffrey Ansloos & Shezza Ansloos, illustrated by Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley

  • Ideally read the book to your class outside. 

Read: Treaty Words by Aimée Craft, illustrated by Luke Swinson

  • Ideally read the book to your class outside.

Resource suitable for the following grades:

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