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Abby's GardenThere nothing like the dead of winter to get gardeners excited!

Our gardening team is now planning a refurbishment of the Abby McNaughton Memorial Garden, as well as the development of a new massive garden that will become a major teaching tool here on Birchview Road.

Abby was one of our educators who was passionate about teaching children how the natural world worked. Sadly, Abby passed away, but we honour her memory with Abby’s Garden. New soil, new design, and new plants will give new life to this important grand old teacher.

The new garden will further support Abby’s ambitions about teaching children and will be situated in reclaimed parking lot space just outside the main office. With raised beds and berms for accessibility, the garden will feature pollinator plants and a producing vegetable garden! It’s a fantastic opportunity to teach our campers and students who visit about the importance of those pollinators and how we can help them, as well as growing your own vegetables for consumption. We recognize that many children do not know what constitutes a pollinator and the role of pollinators in the eco-system, nor where their cucumbers and tomatoes come from other than the store! We can change ignorance to interest and understanding with the upgrades to Abby’s Garden and the establishment of the new teaching garden!

We know that the lessons learned in our gardens will inspire self-sufficiency and an understanding of the systems that make the natural environment work. Building the stewards of tomorrow means we must get kids dirty, and they must intimately interact with the natural environment. Here’s to petal power!!

If you are interested in helping with your time and talents or even a donation, contact Susan at