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Source: Peterborough Examiner.

About 20 campers and their parents participate in boating activities duringMini Kawartha Day on Saturday, June 28, 2014 at Camp Kawartha near Lakefield. On arrival, parents and campers were given a tour of the camp followed by a traditional flag-raising that allowed parents and campers to meet the staff and participate in some of the games and icebreakers. Campers then joined a cabin group for morning activities while parents were led through a camp orientation, Camp Kawartha 101, a crash course of everything they need and want to know about their child’s experience at the camp. Lunch and dinner were provided in the dining hall where campers and parents participate in camp meals, and experience the dining hall spirit and routines unique to our camp. Parents and campers took part in afternoon activities that take advantage of the resources of the camp. Some activities included a climbing wall, high ropes, eco, archery and boating activities.