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If It Challenges Them, It Changes Them!

Come to Camp Kawartha in November for Character Education & Leadership! For November ONLY we are offering a special discount on our one-day or one-overnight’ Character Education & Leadership Programs for Grades 9-12! Choose from: Climbing Wall...

Art for Sale

Recently several pieces of art have been generously donated from Ralph and Carol Ingleton to be sold with the proceeds going to the Camp Kawartha Kids Endowment Fund. Here are two of the most recent pieces we have available for sale. If you have any questions, would...

Meet our new Summer Camp & Environment Centre Registrar

You may have spoken with James recently if you’ve called the office in the past two months about Summer Camp or the Environment Centre. We figured it was high time we properly introduce him to our CK Community! James White is our most recent addition to the CK...

New Interview with Eco Parent

Our Executive Director, Jacob Rodenburg, and naturalists, Drew Monkman, sat down with Eco Parent Magazine earlier this year for an interview that is now available in their Fall 2017 issue. They discuss their book (The Big Book of Nature Activities), how to manage...

Helping to Create a More Sustainable Future

Camp Kawartha is thrilled to have assisted in the establishment of the Peterborough-Kawartha-Haliburton as a Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development as designated by the United Nations University and endorsed by UNESCO. RCE’s...

We’ve been named a Top North American Camp!

Woah! A BIG thank you to Flight Network for selecting us as one of their Top 60 Summer Camps in NORTH AMERICA for 2017! Check out the full list on their website, there is some great representation from Ontario Camps and it’s wonderful to see the variety of...

Calling all Fireflies

Ah, the gentle flash of a firefly; the hallmark of any early summer’s eve! Like tiny bursts of starlight, these pulses of white and green light punctuate the dark like the dots and dashes of Morse code. Technically a beetle, these “lightening bugs” (another name for...

2017 Surf ‘n’ Turf Auction Items

Check out some of the items that have been donated for our live and silent auctions at our Surf ‘n’ Turf Fundraiser on June 24th, at Camp Kawartha. Click here to purchase your tickets for this event!! We would like to express our sincere appreciation...