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Surf ‘n’ Turf Auction Item Donations

Thank you to our Donors for 2019! Your generosity means so much to kids in need and opens a door on adventure, fun, and learning for so many! Ashburnham Ale House Asta Professional Baxter Creek Golf Club Betsy McGregor Black’s Distillery BOATsmart! Bob Burgis Brant...

Staff Spotlight: Karen Copson

What do you do at Camp Kawartha? My title is Administrative Coordinator. I perform a variety of administrative duties and basic bookkeeping tasks, and provide technical and software support for staff. Basically I’m the computer geek working behind the scenes analyzing...

Spring Activities for Kids

When spring arrives (it officially arrived on Wednesday, March 20th) nature seems to take a deep breath, preparing for the spectacular changes that are coming. Bird chatter is one of those changes, and we will soon see the return of swallows, swifts and nighthawks to...

2021 – Camp Kawartha’s 100th Anniversary

2021 is a significant year for Camp Kawartha. It is the 100th anniversary of the Camp which was originally founded in 1921 by a group of Rotarians. Famed Peterborough photographer, Fred Roy of Roy Studio fame, tells us in an early interview that “The Rotary Boys’ Camp...

Refurbishing an Established, and Planning a New, Set of Gardens

There nothing like the dead of winter to get gardeners excited! Our gardening team is now planning a refurbishment of the Abby McNaughton Memorial Garden, as well as the development of a new massive garden that will become a major teaching tool here on Birchview Road....

2019 Great Backyard Bird Count

The Great Backyard Bird Count from Bird Studies Canada is February 15-18 Winter’s shorter days and longer colder nights plus the loss of plentiful food sources means bird feeders become a lifeline for chick-a-dees, cardinals, finches and other non-migrating birds....

From the CK Kitchen: Winter Meatball Subs

“Mom that was the best dinner EVER!” Any parent who has ever agonized over what to feed their family for dinner and is starting to feel a bit beaten down by the task wishes to hear those sweet seven words. Well it happened to me. It did. It really did. Who knew that...

Staff Spotlight: Susan Ramey

What do you do at Camp Kawartha? My title is Philanthropy Coordinator, so in broad strokes that means that I conduct donor research, help with proposal writing, donor relations and stewardship. Events management is also my responsibility, which includes our popular...

Get Outside: Great Winter Activities

It is a cold late winter day. A delicate layer of frost edges the corner of each window and snow covers the landscape. Birds are huddled under eaves and in bushes, fluffing their feathers, reminding you that winter is here for a while yet. Meanwhile, the kids are busy...

Capital Campaign Update + #GivingTuesday

Cathy “Fleet” Romano arrived at Camp Kawartha 20 years ago as the camp nurse with her four children in tow. She was immediately hooked!As a 20-year volunteer, she has been an invaluable member of the Camp Kawartha family during that time. She has impacted the lives of...