I hope you are getting excited for summer camp 2021! Yes, CAMP! You and your family deserve the right and privilege to get excited for camp! We may not have control of the timeline to this pandemic, but we do have control over our attitudes. It’s good for our...
Brian Hunt had what you might call ‘a life well lived’. And his lifetime legacy of hard work, leadership, and his sense of community will continue even though he is no longer here. His wife Cindy contacted Camp Kawartha to share the family’s wish that those who wanted...
Our Volunteer Team has been hard at work redeveloping Abby’s Memorial Garden this year and have taken some great strides to date. New planting boxes have been built, positioned and levelled, and thanks to a donation of two yards of triple mix from Scott Concrete...
Summer Camp 2018 is off to a fantastic start! Our beautiful site on Clear Lake has been busy with many programs. CK overnight, Session A, Session B, Intermediates and Pre-Leadership camp have come and gone in a blur of sunny days, sing-alongs and cabin activities. Our...
Meet our Head Chef/Food Services Manager Tina Barnes, a wonderfully innovative cook who provides campers, students, teachers, parents and special guests with tasty, balanced meals. We sat down with her recently to get her take on healthy Camp eating. Q. Tina, what...
You may have spoken with James recently if you’ve called the office in the past two months about Summer Camp or the Environment Centre. We figured it was high time we properly introduce him to our CK Community! James White is our most recent addition to the CK...