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Priority School Students Need a Helping Hand

Camp Kawartha recognizes that schools with a lower socio-economic status includes families whose incomes, for a wide variety of reasons, make a visit to the Camp challenging…actually, a better word is impossible. Although we work hard to keep our Outdoor...

COEO Hosts Their Conference at Camp Kawartha

More than 100 outdoor educators from across the province visited our main site at Camp Kawartha for an educational retreat called Make Peace with Winter from January 20th to January 22nd Offered by the Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario (COEO), this organization...

Nature Showcase – The Flicker

Look at the size of that beak! Wow! This is a bird with a sharp, pointy bill! The Common Flicker, or Northern Flicker, is member of the Woodpecker family, so it makes sense that their bill is so large. These birds, as their name suggests, are common throughout North...

Nature Showcase: A Lesson in Leaving

A school group recently visited our main camp. They were a keen bunch (happy to be outside and out of the classroom I suppose), and all wonderfully behaved. It was a pleasure to have them here. One of our programs had them studying habitats, and they were out on the...

Making a Splash for 100 Years!

Through start up pains, a world-wide economic depression, a world war, a Cold War, huge technological changes, a pandemic, and now climate change, the Summer Camp program has been a constant. 100 years (1922-2022) of children and youth experiencing the thrill of...

Nature Showcase: The Earthworm is an Invader!

With the recent rain we saw earthworms emerge from their holes and stretch their way to other locations.  The Robins were happy, and probably the people who fish but, did you know that earthworms are actually an invasive species?  Yes, that’s correct – invasive...