With the recent rain we saw earthworms emerge from their holes and stretch their way to other locations. The Robins were happy, and probably the people who fish but, did you know that earthworms are actually an invasive species? Yes, that’s correct – invasive...
Now that spring has arrived you may be seeing one of the heralds of spring – the Chipmunk! They are emerging from their winter dens where they basically slept away the cold winter in their soft and cozy unground nests…complete with latrine and larder! Did you know...
Looking out at our feeders we see a variety of birds throughout the day – finches, jays, cardinals, chickadees – the list goes on. We have feeders because we know that the sources of foods that these birds eat run low as winter progresses and a feeder station is like...
The cooler weather has arrived and with it the natural world begins its next cycle. Leaves fall, frogs stock up on insects, and chipmunks top up their larders. It’s a busy, busy season as animals, plants, birds, and insects get ready for the season yet to come. The...
This little critter is slowly making its way into southern Ontario, Quebec, and BC…likely because of climate change. They are about the size of a cat and are easily identified because of that whitish face and salt and pepper body. They can grab things with their...
I saw one of these booting it across the road on my way home one day. She moved very rapidly and made it safely across. Garter snakes can be found in a variety of habitats – forests, fields, wetlands, and even in cities. It is that adaptability that has made them...