The cooler weather has arrived and with it the natural world begins its next cycle. Leaves fall, frogs stock up on insects, and chipmunks top up their larders. It’s a busy, busy season as animals, plants, birds, and insects get ready for the season yet to come. The...
On a beautiful sunny day, the Environment Council of Clear, Stoney and White Lakes and Camp staff welcomed almost 20 interested neighbours for an educational program about shoreline naturalization. Guest shoreline guide, Victoria Readings of Clearwing Ecological...
Although not ‘animals’ like our title indicates, we chose to focus on oak trees in this newsletter because I was beaned on the head with an acorn the other day! Ouch! We are blessed with many oak trees on our property, and they are abundant along Birchview Road....
Did you know? Fireflies are not actually flies but, beetles and there are approximately 29 different types living in Canada. Some live on land (terrestrial), some live in water (aquatic) and others are semi-aquatic. They usually appear in the evenings near woods and...
This little critter is slowly making its way into southern Ontario, Quebec, and BC…likely because of climate change. They are about the size of a cat and are easily identified because of that whitish face and salt and pepper body. They can grab things with their...
A walk down to the newly installed docks revealed beautifully clear water. That’s typical for spring. I could easily see the bottom, but on that bottom was evidence an ongoing problem – an invasive species commonly known as the Zebra Mussel. They were everywhere!...