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Nature Showcase: Regeneration (with a little help)

The Derecho in May pummelled Camp Kawartha. Entire sections of the forests were flattened! We know that nature’s way is neither good nor bad, it just is, but to we humans, it is hard to see such damage and not be impacted by the loss of such beautiful trees. It’s just...

Nature Showcase: A Lesson in Leaving

A school group recently visited our main camp. They were a keen bunch (happy to be outside and out of the classroom I suppose), and all wonderfully behaved. It was a pleasure to have them here. One of our programs had them studying habitats, and they were out on the...

Kudos to the Environment Council Volunteers

We send out a huge thank you to the volunteers of the Environment Council of Clear, Stoney and White Lakes!  Jackie Hodge, Trish Jamieson, Brenda Bunker, Rosemary Addison, Ted McLaren, and Lois Wallace They have been amazing, devoting hours to the upkeep of the sunny...

Nature Showcase: Derecho

Few, if any of us here had ever heard of a ‘derecho’ but, when one hit the Camp on May 21st, on May 22nd we made a point of finding out! Derechos are not common and occur mostly in the United States in late spring/early summer. They produce walls of strong wind, and...

The Book of Nature Connection is Now Available

Executive Director, Jacob Rodenburg, has just had his second book published – The Book of Nature Connection: 70 Sensory Activities for All Ages. The book is packed with fun activities to engage your senses and enhance your connection to the natural world. “Beautifully...

Nature Showcase: The Earthworm is an Invader!

With the recent rain we saw earthworms emerge from their holes and stretch their way to other locations.  The Robins were happy, and probably the people who fish but, did you know that earthworms are actually an invasive species?  Yes, that’s correct – invasive...