Seasonal transportation movement (this could be a full activity or a body break) Have the children mimic different styles of transportation depending on the season (ex: swimming in summer or skiing in winter). Have them observe how the different movements make them...
Clothespin view (from Discover Your School’s Better Nature) During the spring or fall, give your students a clothes pin and have them write their name on it. Clip your clothes pin to a tree bud during spring or clip it to a green leaf during late summer, just as the...
Poem “writing” Have your students explore and play within an outside area During this time walk around and talk to your student about what their neighbourhood/wood means to them/their favourite part/their role in the neighbourwood/hood Record the main...
Focused Exploration Provide the students with time to explore an outdoor area (ideally one they are less familiar with) Ask them to search for animal and bird signs – if possible ask the children to come back to you when they feel they have completed this task,...
Exploring how to enhance habitat around us Utilizing lessons from the Camp Kawartha session Student-led exploration and discussion of the habitat in the school yard/outdoor space Collect ideas on a piece of chart paper – place this in the classroom – see...
Build a fort Head outside with your class Use found materials (ex: leaves, sticks, cedar boughs on the ground) How would this provide us with shelter? Warmth? Comfort? Set up a bird feeder on a classroom window or in the school yard (as described in the book: Discover...