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Post-Visit “Natural Neighbours”

Post-Visit “Natural Neighbours”

Poem “writing”

  • Have your students explore and play within an outside area
  • During this time walk around and talk to your student about what their neighbourhood/wood means to them/their favourite part/their role in the neighbourwood/hood
  • Record the main themes/sentences 
  • As the teacher put this together as your class’ poem. 

Read : Jigging for Halibut with Tsinii by Sara Florence Davidson & Robert Davidson, illustrated by Janine Gibbons

  • Ideally read the book to your class outside. 


  • With cameras take a (snap)shot of different animals and birds you see. 
  • Return to school to process the photos
  • Notice animal and plant behaviour 
  • Explore questions that arise with your students 
  • Song “we’re going on a bear hunt” (lyrics can be found here in French and English
  • Explore the benefits and challenges of hunting / Are there any traditional trap lines or hunting areas near us?


  • Dedicated time to observe the goings on outside
  • Conscious time to explore any novelties and consistencies
  • What beings are a part of our neighbourhood/wood that we cannot see? (ex: bats, worms, wind, temperature, seeds, love, hope, etc.) 

Guided Research

  • Exploring species at risk in your neighbourhood (this will need to be lead by the teacher)
  • Can we do anything to raise awareness for this? Help these species? (ex: planting seeds, creating bat homes, making crafts for a fundraiser, sending pictures to a local MP).

Resource suitable for the following grades:

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