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Information for Teachers

text caring and motivated youth

Camp Kawartha provides a supportive environment where every student can thrive by trying new experiences, practicing leadership skills and connecting with nature.

children cross country skiing

Below, please find information to help prepare your class for their arrival.

Before Booking

Download Our Program Guide

Our curriculum-linked programs are divided into five categories:
1. Environmental Science
2. Adventure & Leadership
3. Canadian History & Social Studies
4. Physical Education & Recreation
5. Environmental Arts

Download the guide for a comprehensive overview of each program.

Begin the Booking Process

Check our availability calendar to see if your preferred dates are available and then submit an inquiry form. Our coordinator will be in touch to confirm.

After Booking

Download Teacher's Package

A step-by-step guide to help you plan your entire stay.

Download Packing List

A suggested packing list that you can print and share with your students to ensure they’re best prepared for their stay.

Letter to Parents

A letter to be signed by a parent/guardian of each student attending.

Download Teacher's Checklist

Print off and use this handy checklist to ensure each step of your planning is smooth and efficient.

Contacting Our Office

Our administration office can be reached during regular business hours of Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. Messages left on our voicemail overnight will be delivered as soon as possible the next day. We recommend that visiting teachers and parent chaperones carry cellphones in case parents need to reach the group during evening hours.

Resources for Teachers and Schools

Kids observing plants in a classroom

Nature in YOUR Classroom

Did you know Camp Kawartha has programs they can bring to your class? We have an amazing team of outdoor educators who have developed nature-focused programming that has been deisgn to deliver right inthe classroom. If it’s too hard to organize a class trip, let Camp Kawarath come to you!

The Magic of Nests…

If you think about it, a bird egg is a beautiful thing. Within this fragile container is the promise of new feathered life. And bird eggs come in a surprising variety of shapes, sizes and colours. No matter what they look like, there is one fact that may seem obvious but deserves mention – eggs roll. And a rolling egg is not a safe egg. Keeping her eggs both warm and safe is the challenge every mother bird faces. That is why she makes a nest – sometimes an elaborate affair like the woven, hanging nest of a Northern Oriole, or sometimes as simple as a hollow scrape in the ground like that of a Killdeer.

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Brush with Nature

Brush with Nature

Nature is full of complex curves, shapes, and lines: the sweep of a pine branch, a cascading waterfall, waves marching along a lake, or a rolling thunder cloud. To our eyes, the natural world may seem chaotic—a bold blend of colours, textures, and patterns. But a more careful look reveals just how intricate and lovely the shapes of nature are.

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