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Am I Alive?

Living things move and grow, right? A stick floating down the river moves and a crystal grows – but are they alive? In this interactive program, primary students explore the world of living and non-living things via a scavenger hunt. To reinforce the difference...


Ever wonder where salamanders might lurk and how frogs catch insects? Discover this and more, by observing real frogs and amphibians in action! We sing genuine frog songs and call for them in our local wetland. We show you the different stages of a frog’s life cycle...

Co-operative Games

In a series of fun and action-packed games, students explore how working together in a team accomplishes far more than any individual effort. Students also participate in games and activities that encourage each team member to depend upon and trust their fellow...

Hide and Seek: A Program about Camouflage

Most of us have had the experience of walking through the woods when something suddenly scurries away right in front of us. We didn’t see that creature but they sure noticed us! Camouflage is the art of staying hidden. In this program children learn about how animals...

Natural Neighbours

Just who are the critters in your “neighbourwood”? In this interactive program, we explore the natural history of the commoners – animals, birds and insects we see every day. They are part of our neighbourhood too! That is why we call the area around where we...

Nature Music

There is music in the woods! From the rustling of leaves, the ethereal call of the loon, to the wind sweeping through pine trees, there are a variety of musical tones to discover in the natural world. By experimenting with the sound qualities of found natural...