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Animal Showcase – Saw-whet Owl

By Guest Columnist Andrew Silver, Wildlife Researcher Bird Banders Who Give a Hoot!  It’s ‘owl’ for the research!! Every October for the past 21 years (except 2018) volunteers, as well as a host of other owl enthusiasts, have spent their evenings on the north shore of...

Animal Showcase: Turtles

There are eight species of turtle in Ontario, and according to the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, all eight are designated as ‘species at risk’. Yikes! Ontario is not very good to its turtles. The threats to our turtles are typical – habitat destruction, illegal...

Canadian Camp Industry Needs Your Help!

Hi Camp Kawartha Families, If you are like myself, this “alternative,” universe we have been living in since March has been a roller coaster ride of mixed emotions with that constant buzz of anxiety in the background. Our website and...

From the CK Kitchen: First Day of Camp Cookies

What’s a first day of Camp Kawartha Summer Camp without a First Day Cookie?! We’ve had a few requests for these iconic summer camp favourites and with the launch of CK at Home for Summer 2020 we wanted to share this recipe so that you can kick off Summer...

From the CK Kitchen: A Quick, Easy, and Delicious Camping Meal!

Campfire Pizza Sandwiches These are great to make over the fire. They remind me of the last lunch of a session. With simple ingredients you can mix and match to really make it your own! What would you add to your campfire pizza? Ingredients: English Muffins Tomato...

Camp Kawartha is helping raise Silk Moths

Large Silk Moths have been declining in population because of habitat loss and the use of pesticides. Mostly active at night, they are beautiful and under-appreciated part of Ontario wildlife. Thanks to moth kits from Tim Dyson, some beauties just hatched out!...

Introducing … CK at Home!

Dear Campers and Families, With school winding down and the void of the summer cancelations, an outlet for Summer Camp is needed more than ever. We all have a stake in the reprieve that camp offers to our camper, families and staff members. Never before has there been...

Animal Showcase: Spring Peeper Frog

May is a month when your eyes as well as your ears are engaged. Flowers bloom providing vibrant colour, birds are returning, other animals have woken from slumber and are visiting us once more. It seems too that every animal, insect or bird seems to be talking with...

The Frog and Toad Orchestra

One of the wonders of Spring is to listen to the melodious strains of an amphibian orchestra, courtesy of your local frogs and toads. Frogs sing for the same reason birds do. The males are trying to attract and mate and they also are fighting for territory. To...

The 3-Sisters Gardens

Like so many other places, the Camp is in a holding pattern, and unfortunately, has been since December. The education labour disruption meant that school field trips were cancelled. Then the COVID-19 pandemic began. It is eerily quiet – we miss the excited chatter of...