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Another Zero Carbon Primer

from Deirdre McGahern of Straworks The Health Centre will be a Carbon Sink! Thanks to the Builders for Climate Action carbon calculator, we estimate the Health Centre’s material carbon emissions to be 6.9 tons. The wood, straw and cellulose insulation will be...

Another Glimpse of Our Early History

From: The Evening Examiner, Peterborough – Friday, June 16, 1922 ROTARIANS INSPECTED THE SUMMER CAMP FOR BOYS ERECTED BY ROTARY Nearly one hundred Rotarians, Kiwanians and their friends visited the Rotary Camp at Clear Lake yesterday afternoon and inspected the...

A Glimpse of Our Early History

Here is an excerpt from The Evening Examiner, April 18, 1922. THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA Although Peterborough is situated close to some of the most beautiful lakes and finest camping grounds in Canada, many of the boys of this city have never been able to enjoy a holiday...

Centennial Health Centre Construction – Part 2

Deirdre McGahern, the president of Straworks, has been documenting the process of constructing the new Camp Kawartha Health Centre, with her teammates, Miles and Solomon. She has shared her photos and details with us so that we may share the exciting building process...

Centennial Health Centre Construction – Part 1

Deirdre McGahern, the president of Straworks, has been documenting the process of constructing the new Camp Kawartha Health Centre, with her teammates, Miles and Solomon. She has shared her photos and details with us so that we may share the exciting building process...

Annual Meeting Reveals a Year of Challenges & Adaptation

On Tuesday, December 15th, Camp Kawartha hosted its first ever virtual Annual General Meeting. Registered guests watched in safety as Board Chair, Jason Huffman delivered an overview of the Camp’s challenges and accomplishments over the past fiscal year (October...

Health Centre Update: A Zero-Building Primer

The Health Centre construction team at Straworks have made impressive strides lately and have the foundation set, shell up, and roof on, ready for the winter weather.  We asked Straworks President Deirdre McGahern for a little primer on some of the features of the new...

New Culvert Thanks to the Township

Now, the installation of a new culvert might sound like an odd thing to celebrate, but for us it means a great deal. The culvert helps to improve our accessibility which has been our focus for the past several years. In the past, it has been very challenging for those...

Our Youth in Action – A Donation That Warms the Heart!

Camp Kawartha recently received a very important and inspiring donation from two special young people (and their little sister!) who made it their mission to help our organization during a difficult time. Their mother Angie provided us with this touching explanation....

A Message from our Summer Camp Director: Summer Camp 2021

Hi Camp Families, It has been a year like no other. It would seem an overwhelming task to plan when there are more questions than answers. So, how do we proceed? We proceed together!  It is possible to prepare for the future without knowing what it will be. There are...