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Being a kid for the day, sending a child to camp

Source: May 26, 2013, Peterborough Examiner, Dale Clifford. The grounds at Camp Kawartha featured a host of kids on Saturday. Actually, they ranged in age...

Plugging in to Nature

How easy it is to become mesmerized by modern technology – perhaps by a 3D TV set, or the surround sound of a home theatre system or by the amazing graphics of the latest computer game.  We feel life is more complete when we are “plugged in!”  We tend to forget...

Kitchen Renovation Underway!

It couldn’t be put off any longer, Camp Kawartha’s kitchen needed an overhaul. On Nov 5, 2012 with hammers and crowbars swinging and saws a-buzzing, the old walls, floors and ceiling were wrestled out to make way for an upgraded, efficient space to prepare those...

Recipe for Environmental Advocacy

Take one child.  Place outdoors in nearby green spaces.  Leave for several hours at a time. Repeat daily.  Sprinkle in a dash of local environmental issues.  Fold in a generous portion of hope. Top with inspiring examples of sustainable living and indigenous ways of...

Creating Positive Stewards

Stewardship. It is a word frequently bandied about. Most of us recognize that the term has something to do with being a caretaker. But the word has also a great deal to do with citizenship. Good citizens are good caretakers. They are mindful of their community and its...

Wetland Symphony

Soon the snow and ice covering much of the Kawartha’s will give way to wetlands, vernal pools and marshes. In these wet places something remarkable happens in the spring. Frogs, frozen during the long winter, wake up and begin to sing. Each species of frog uses a...

Camp Kawartha recognized for environmental achievement

The Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence recognizes those that have made special contributions to improving Ontario’s environment. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment proudly recognizes Camp Kawartha for environmental achievement, 2011. Minister John...

New Horizons for the Camp Kawartha Environment Centre

“How do you create a culture of sustainability and stewardship?” asks Jacob Rodenburg, Executive Director of Camp Kawartha. The answer, he believes, is in providing our children with inspiring examples of sustainable living in action. From teaching kids...

Environment Centre Day Camp 2011

It is with great pride that we announce the successful conclusion of the first annual Environment Centre Day Camp. For five action packed days (July 11-15), three adults and sixteen campers played and adventured in the forest and trails around Trent. Although we were...