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Fun in the sun at Camp Kawartha

About 20 campers and their parents participate in boating activities during Mini Kawartha Day on Saturday, June 28, 2014 at Camp Kawartha near Lakefield. On arrival, parents and campers were given a tour of the camp followed by a traditional flag-raising that allowed...

Message from our Health Care Coordinator

The Nurses in the Health Centre at Camp Kawartha are excited to meet your children this summer. Please note the following: As per Camp Kawartha Policy, All camper medication: prescribed, over the counter, homeopathic: must be left in the Health Centre. This is to...

Summer Staff Training Weekend 2014

The countdown is ON to Summer 2014! With less than a month until the start of camp, the summer staff got a head start with a training weekend on May 31-June 1 at the camp. It was a beautiful weekend as staff took part in CPR, Ropes and programming training. It was...

Otter Update

The saga of the Woodland Wildlife Sanctuary’s rehabilitated otters, Burt and Loni, who were released at my riverfront property on Easter weekend continues.  We set up a trail camera at the rendezvous site so that we could monitor their behaviour and make sure...

The Joy of Putting Otters in the Water

I had the thrill of a lifetime this Easter weekend when the Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary arrived with two very special charges ready to taste freedom for the first time since they were knee-high to a mackerel.  Monika and her crew drove 2 hours from their facility in...

I Have Worms!

Yes, I admit it.  After precisely 2 years of employment at Camp Kawartha, I finally have worms! I’ve had them all winter but didn’t realize it until a few days ago when I was alone in the greenhouse watering and weeding and thinking about giving the fish...

Supporting Ingrid

Camp Kawartha is so much more than a summer camp – we are a family. We bring people together. We look out for one another. We take care of, comfort and support each other. When campers, counselors and staff members spend time at Camp Kawartha they seamlessly...

To Zingtong or Not To Zingtong

By Adam Strasberg, Summer Camp Director For anyone who has ever been to Camp Kawartha, you will know that the game of Zingtong is one of Camp Kawartha’s most cherished Evening Programs. It involves the storyline of a royal family. A majestic scene is presented to the...

Preventing Homesickness

Prepare Kids ahead of time for overnight trips Summer time!  What child doesn’t look forward to the sultry days of July and August, free from school and full of possibility?  Summer might mean a visit to the cottage, staying over at a friend’s or being at summer...

Anonymous Donor Helps Camp Kawartha

Article Source: Aug 27, 2013, Peterborough Examiner, Rob McCormick An anonymous donation of $25,000 in early summer has allowed Camp Kawartha to upgrade equipment and make...