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‘Many hands make light work’ the old saying goes and we could certainly use many hands for our gardens this spring…and summer…and fall!
We understand that most gardeners will be devoting hours to their own gardens, but we have five gardens and are planning to add two others, so we could truly use some help.
Our gardens have different foci –

The Shoreline Garden, installed as a shared project with the Environment Council of Clear, Stoney and White Lake, focuses on shoreline naturalization. This project involves mostly weeding in spring and a bit of replanting to replace the winter kill.

Abby’s Garden is a memorial garden named for Abby McNaughton, a staff member tragically killed in a car crash, and it focuses on habitats. This project involves pond maintenance, planting and harvesting herbs, as well as seeds for next year, and monitoring habitat use and building bird houses, bat house, bee house etc.

The Environment Centre (located in Peterborough) has a garden that also needs weeding and planting. The focus is on edible flowers and other plants – sort of like a colourful salad bowl! And our parking lot garden boxes need to produce ‘produce’ for use in the kitchen – tomatoes, zucchini, squash…you name it, we want the campers to eat it!

The Greenhouse is waiting for pots to be filled with soil, and seeds planted, then when the time is correct, to move the seedlings to their appropriate garden.
New gardens include a ‘Healing’ Garden which will be planted around the Rotary Health Centre (we are so smart aren’t we!) and another Vegetable Garden that will take up space in a vacant area left by the May derecho.
Whatever colour your thumb, if you have some time to devote, any amount of time, please contact Susan ( to register as a volunteer gardener!