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Thanks to generous donations from foundations and individuals – we are that much closer to replacing our aging Health Centre. This will be an innovative zero building meaning zero toxins, zero waste and zero carbon. More than that – the Health Centre will sequester more carbon than it took to build it in the first place! From earthen plaster, to strawbale and hempcrete (materials that all sequester carbon) – the centre will showcase what the very best in regenerative building design. A type of construction concept that is needed now more than ever!

With the impact of the COVID-19 virus, Camp Kawartha needs a new, modern health care facility to look after the health needs of its campers, staff and visitors.

Layout for proposed new Health Centre

Our Health Care Coordinator Cathy Romano is more than eager to grab a sledge hammer and pickaxe to start removing the old centre (which has served us well for 70 years). She wants to make room for a brand spanking new Centre complete with Treatment rooms and all the modern equipment needed in a Health Centre! The COVID-19 virus will make health care very different moving forward, and our Centre and Health Team will be ready to offer the very best in care.

As well as a building, we’ll need medical equipment as well – examination tables, stethoscopes and gauzes, patient beds, curtains and waiting room chairs. Groups, agencies and individuals have stepped up to give, or to make a pledge to give, and so we have $225,000 of the $375,000 needed. We are getting close!

And you can help close the gap! If you are interested in donating or learning more about our building plans and it’s many environmentally-friendly features, please contact our Executive Director Jacob Rodenburg (

Camp is turning 100 years old next year in 2021. What a fitting legacy to have a brand new sustainable health centre to honour a century of camping! We look forward to inspiring many new generations of campers to love and care for the earth.