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Animal Showcase: Invasive Species – Zebra Mussels

A walk down to the newly installed docks revealed beautifully clear water.  That’s typical for spring.  I could easily see the bottom, but on that bottom was evidence an ongoing problem – an invasive species commonly known as the Zebra Mussel.  They were everywhere!...

Wonderful Worms, Get Ready to Wriggle!

Wonderful Worms, Get Ready to Wriggle! Our Executive Director, Jacob’s, latest article for Eco Parent Magazine. View the full article below (click) or check out the Summer 2019 Issue

Cling-ons are Everywhere!

No, we don’t mean Klingons ala Star Trek, we mean cling-ons, those seeds, such as burdock seeds, that attach themselves to fur, feathers and even socks. The seeds are carried to a new home via this distribution system, a very clever and successful survival method....

Stories in the snow…

Here is a true story that happened during one of my winter walks. Who knows what you might discover? I once noticed a doe who was wandering the woods. She was tired and nursed an injured right hind leg. She lay down in a thicket of bushes until she heard some coyotes....

Staff Spotlight: Food Services Manager Tina Barnes

Meet our Head Chef/Food Services Manager Tina Barnes, a wonderfully innovative cook who provides campers, students, teachers, parents and special guests with tasty, balanced meals.  We sat down with her recently to get her take on healthy Camp eating.  Q. Tina, what...

If It Challenges Them, It Changes Them!

Come to Camp Kawartha in November for Character Education & Leadership! For November ONLY we are offering a special discount on our one-day or one-overnight’ Character Education & Leadership Programs for Grades 9-12! Choose from: Climbing Wall...