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Outdoor Education

Creating caring and motivated youth

Canoe Trip Programs – Ages 10–16

For campers who are looking to build their skills to enjoy the outdoors and experience the magical world of tripping, we offer immersive wilderness experiences that last from a few days to a few weeks. Over the course of their canoe trips, campers will paddle, portage, make camp, gather round a campfire, and make lifelong memories. This is a wonderful opportunity for campers to connect more deeply to nature and experience the beauty of an Ontario wilderness park.

Our Junior Trip and Algonquin Canoe Adventure programs offer campers an introduction to canoe tripping. Shorter in duration, our fully trained tripping staff work to give campers the opportunity to build their skills over the course of the trip. Our Senior Trips are longer, more in-depth trips designed to challenge campers and give them the chance to further enhance their tripping skills.

Learning opportunities:

Traveling by canoe in the wilderness is possibly the quintessential Canadian experience.

Builds confidence and self-esteem

Develops camping and tripping skills

Creates a sense of independence and self-reliance

Fosters teamwork and leadership skills

Exposure to the beauty, solitude and grandeur of nature

Builds appreciation for wilderness and the interconnectedness of the natural world

Junior Canoe Trip

1-week, Ages 12-13

Wilderness Canoe Trip

2-week, Ages 14-15

Wilderness and Adventure

2-weeks, Co-ed, Ages 15-16

What parents are saying about our Canoe Tripping Camps…

“My son is a lot more independent and now cooking more on his own after the canoe trip.” [Wilderness Canoe Trip]

What parents are saying about our Canoe Tripping Camps…

“My daughter got to try new activities that she never would have been able to try. Through the rest of the summer and fall, she would bring up stories of some of the things they did at camp. [Algonquin Canoe Adventure] I can see now that she has made some amazing memories. She has kept in contact with her group of friends that she made at camp.”

What parents are saying about our Canoe Tripping Camps…

“My son had the time of his life on the canoe trip in Algonquin Park [Algonquin Canoe Adventure] – a fantastic experience where he made new friends, discovered a beautiful area, and can’t wait to go back! We travel as a family quite a bit, but this was the most memorable trip of his summer!”

What parents are saying about our Canoe Tripping Camps…

“Great Camp [Challenge and Adventure], lots of variety and along with a great outdoor experience that keeps us coming back year after year!”