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If you’ve booked a facility rental, wedding, school or group visit to our Main Site in the past few years it’s very likely that the person who helped you along through every piece of paperwork and answered every single one of your questions was our dedicated Registar, Shawna.

Thank you to Shawna for sharing a little bit about herself and her love of the natural world.Shawna with her horse

Q: How long have you worked at Camp Kawartha?

5 years

Q: What do you do at Camp Kawartha?

I’m a Registrar for the Outdoor Education Centre and  my main responsibility is to coordinate overnight school visits and weekend rentals.

Q:What’s your favourite part of your job?

Being helpful to guests and seeing everyone relax and enjoy themselves in this beautiful setting.

Q: What were your favourite experiences in nature as a child?

I used to  sit very still in the backyard and watch intently as robins built  nests and raised their young.  I took notes and fancied myself as the next Jane Goodall who was my hero from a very young age.

Q: What do you love about Spring time?

Waking up to the sound of the phoebes (Eastern fly catchers) around my cabin staking out their annual nest sites in the eaves.  Their song reminds me that warm weather and summertime fun can’t be far off.

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

Feed and care for my menagerie of creatures which consists of 3 horses, 3 dogs, 5 chickens and 1 duck.  I also garden and hang out in my “She-shed” also known  as the “Lady House” – the name deters my husband from storing any of his junk in there.

Q: What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?

Exchange letters (pen and paper ones) with the woman whose father built our cottage.  She loves to keep in touch but doesn’t own a computer.  Sometimes I do this by the light of an oil lamp if I really want to get into a pioneer vibe.

Thanks for sharing Shawna! Shawna is always full of fun stories, if you ever need a laugh just ask her about any of her fun animal adventures (she used to work in a zoo!).