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Have you met our Outdoor and Environmental Educator Jamie? A main stay at our Environment Centre, he works with classes, rental groups and our homeschool programs. He’s usually in the middle of a crowd of children, he might be covered in mud and he pretty well always has a big welcoming grin on his face!

Jamie smiling for the cameraThank you Jamie for sharing a little bit about yourself with our CK Community!

Q: How long have you worked at Camp Kawartha?

I’ll have been at camp for 7 years this fall

Q: What do you do at Camp Kawartha?

I work with the kiddies!  I am in Outdoor Education and run school programs at the Environment Center as well as the Main site.  I am also heavily involved in our homeschool programs.

Q: What’s your favourite Environment Center program(s) to run?

Definitely Forest Fridays and our new Woodland Wednesdays.  I love the freedom to experiment and learn.  Also I absolutely relish the chance to develop long term and meaningful mentor/friendships with the kids (some have been coming for years)

Q: What were your favourite experiences in nature as a child?

I spent a large chunk of my childhood in the natural world.  I was lucky enough to be brought up where there was literally a forest across the street and a creek in the front yard.  I would have to say ‘all of them’, if I was honest.  Seeing my parents interest and love of the land was key for me however.  Thanks Mom and Dad.

Q: What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

I love to spend time with my kids. I also read a bunch.  I am obsessed with music and enjoy some extracurricular adventures on the land.

Q: What do you love about Spring time?

Other than the return of the warmth I love the return of the birds, the movements of the salamanders and the growth of all those lovely edible wilds.

Q: What skill would you like to master?

I am always looking to improve my tracking skills.  I truly is a wonderful key to understanding and connecting with the world around you.  I once read someone say it was ‘applied ecology’.  I would stand by that.

Q: What would you rate 10/10?

Any time you see a kid get lit up from the inside.  When kids make connections with themselves, others and the environment, it truly is magic.