Staff Member Bio
Susan Ramey

Clear Lake Site Registrar - Outdoor Education, Groups & Team Building
705-652-3860 x 208
As Philanthropy Coordinator for Camp Kawartha, Susan has a unique perspective on raising funds in a not-for-profit environment and has wholeheartedly embraced the challenges of this role. Camp Kawartha holds a special place in her heart because, as Susan says, “It gets kids outside to connect with nature’s marvels, helps develop skills, and creates lasting memories.” Born and raised in the Kawartha’s, she credits her parents’ early introduction to camping for setting her on a life-long path of outdoor exploration. In her free time Susan can be found in the bush, in the garden, the kitchen trying a new recipe or on the couch watching an old movie… always under the watchful eye of Emma, her Cock-a-Poo!