421km in 18hrs
1km for every carbon molecule part/million in our atmosphere
In August 2022 Glen Caradus and Nick Ormond will depart from Rowan Tree Children’s School in Peterborough at 1am. Over the next 18 to 19 hours they hope to cover 420 km and end their ride at Camp Kawartha on Clear Lake.
They hope to raise funds for Camp Kawartha and Rowan Tree’s Climate Education/Tree planting and bio diversity programs.
This ride is also to bring awareness to the climate science that has measured our current levels of carbon in the atmosphere at 420 parts carbon dioxide for every 1 million air molecules. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has urged the world and its policies makers to not allow emission to climb higher than 450 parts per million if they worst effects of climate change are to be avoided. Those carbon molecules trap heat close to the earth surface and are creating climate change.
In other words, we still have time to transition away from fossil fuels to renewables, plant many billions of trees and protect existing forest and bio diversity. These aims fit nicely with the on going and future programs of Camp Kawartha and Rowan Tree Children’s School. The climate and the wonders of the natural world will be celebrated and enhanced through our programs. Children learn how plants not only increase biodiversity but help to sequester carbon. A single mature tree can soak up 25 kg of carbon per year and an acre of forest can sequester 77 metric tons!
If you would like to join Nick and Glen for the final part of the ride contact Glen at ecotry41@gmail.com
Thanks for helping to heal the Earth!