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Post-Visit “Honing in on Homes”

Post-Visit “Honing in on Homes”

Exploring how to enhance habitat around us

  • Utilizing lessons from the Camp Kawartha session
  • Student-led exploration and discussion of the habitat in the school yard/outdoor space
  • Collect ideas on a piece of chart paper – place this in the classroom – see over the course of the year how to action these items either fully or partially.

What is a healthy environment?

  • How do we create/facilitate this for you? Mentally? Physically?
  • Where do we find this?
  • What is a healthy environment for plants/trees/animals?

Read: The Wind and the Trees by Todd Stewart

  • Ideally read the book to your class outside. 

Talk about basic “survival skills”

  • What do we do if we get lost?
  • How can we conserve warmth? How can we create shelter?
  • How can we calm down our breathing?
    • Box breathing, meditation, “special place” imagination exercise 
  • Knot tying 
    • Maybe your students know how to tie their shoes, maybe they do not. Either way, learning different knots in various contexts is fun, challenging and rewarding!

Basic Needs Map

  • Create a map of the school and locate where to access basic needs. 
  • Navigate as a class or in pairs or individually to these locations.
    • Track how long (through time, steps, and/or songs, etc.) it takes to get between locations

Beaver lodges investigation

Art project

  • Build your home 
    • Ideally this can be done outside with found materials (honourable harvest)
    • This can also be done inside the classroom using a variety of materials (plasticine/playdough/popsicle sticks/found materials/etc.)
    • This allows the students to kinetically interpret basic human needs and their own representation of said needs. 

Resource suitable for the following grades:

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