Everybody and every species needs a place to call home. A hole in a tree may not seem special at first, but to a black-capped chickadee or red squirrel, it could be an important refuge from danger and the cold. In this program, students learn about the critical components of habitat and why it is essential that we preserve Canada’s diverse ecological communities. From constructing an authentic animal shelter to exploring our local forest, students come to experience firsthand, the importance of food, water, shelter, and space in an ecosystem.
Environment Centre Program
Is Anybody Home?
Want to know more about Canada’s diverse wildlife? Take a look at The Canadian
Wildlife Federations’ ‘Hinterland Who’s Who’.
Post Visit Activities: (if applicable)
Animal Architects: Designing the Wild | Full Documentary (52 min)

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Curriculum Links:
Science & Technology
• Grade 4 - Life Systems: Habitats and Communities
• Grade 6 - Life Systems: Biodiversity
* Curriculum links for this program are based on "The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8:
Science and Technology"
Health and Physical Education
• Grades 1-8: Active Living and Movement Competence
* Curriculum links for this program are based on "The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8:
Health and Physical Education"
* Curriculum links for this program are based on “The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Science and Technology“
Feel free to contact us about modifying programs to suit older or younger students.
Pathway to Stewardship & Kinship
4. Visit a Favourite Outdoor Place Each Week
6. Play in Nature Often
7. Share Books, Songs, and Games about Nature
9. Visit Your Own Special Outdoor Place
11. Celebrate Each Season in the Year
12. Meet the Friends in your Neighbourhood
13. Travel on a Familiar Route
14. Learn New Outdoor Activities
15. Try: Gardening, Feeding Birds, Finding Critters, Exploring
17. Try a New Sport, Craft, and Survival Skill
19. Explore Biodiversity
22. Become a Citizen Scientist
25. Develop Three New Outdoor Skills
30. Describe Your Ecological Self
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)