At Camp Kawartha: Students live the life of a squirrel. From camouflaging to building nests, students participate in a variety of interactive games and role-playing activities that simulate seasonal changes over a year. (K-3) Curriculum Connections Science Curriculum...
“First Nations University of Canada is the home of the National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education, connecting communities with each other to share their stories about Indigenous education across Canada and around the world.” Very good lesson plans and...
First Nations Awareness and Traditional Ecological Knowledge For thousands of years, First Nations sustained and nourished their cultures by harvesting what they needed on the land. They used plants and animals for medicine, for food, clothing and for building...
First Nations Awareness and Traditional Ecological Knowledge For thousands of years, First Nations sustained and nourished their cultures by harvesting what they needed on the land. They used plants and animals for medicine, for food, clothing and for building...
Taming the Wildflower With storytelling, a little detective work and dramatic movement, we help to generate enthusiasm for Ontario’s wildflowers. Students reenact how flowers are pollinated, how bees dance to find wildflowers, and by following a series of clues,...
Taming the Wildflower With storytelling, a little detective work and dramatic movement, we help to generate enthusiasm for Ontario’s wildflowers. Students reenact how flowers are pollinated, how bees dance to find wildflowers, and by following a series of clues,...