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Nature Sound Map

Nature Sound Map

A great way to get to know your local woodlands is to venture out, find a sit-spot, and listen to your surroundings. Create a Sound Map to help you remember what you heard!

Living Sustainably: The Tragedy of the Commons

Living Sustainably: The Tragedy of the Commons

With its myriad of renewable and environmentally-friendly features, The Camp Kawartha Environment Centre is one of Canada’s most sustainable buildings. From straw bale wall construction to solar panels, the Centre provides an inspiring setting in which to teach...
Feathered Friends

Feathered Friends

Birds are among some of the most beautiful creatures on earth. These natural flying wonders also lead quite interesting lives. Help your students gain an entirely new appreciation and understanding of our local feathered friends with this highly engaging and hands-on...
Aquatic Biodiversity: Celebrating the Minuscule

Aquatic Biodiversity: Celebrating the Minuscule

Discover the fascinating underwater world of the tiny living things that we rarely see. Using dip nets and hand lenses, students will have the opportunity to study aquatic macro-invertebrates of all kinds. In this program, students learn proper collection and...
Is Anybody Home?

Is Anybody Home?

Everybody and every species needs a place to call home. A hole in a tree may not seem special at first, but to a black-capped chickadee or red squirrel, it could be an important refuge from danger and the cold. In this program, students learn about the critical...
The Joy of Papermaking

The Joy of Papermaking

Many of us take for granted a material on which the wisdom of cultures has been written and shared for generations …paper. The surprisingly simple art of making paper is both fun and educational. In this program, students learn how plant material is transformed into a...