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Educator/Parent Book List

Wild Learning: Practical Ideas to Bring Teaching Outdoors - Rachel Tidd Offers practical and easy to implement activities that bring curriculum into the outdoors. Provides activities that can help educators overcome barriers to teaching outside. Activities are...

Forest Guide  A forest education guide/toolkit for parents and educators.

Equitable Nature Access Toolkit A toolkit on how to talk with kids about equitable nature access.

Tree Bee Website Tree Bee is a tree identification tool used to engage classrooms, families and communities in learning more about the trees and forests in their own backyards.

NFB Website A collection of Canadian films that provide “a close look at our world, the environment and sustainability.”

Post Camp Kawartha Am I Alive? Visit

What can we see? Hear? Smell? Touch? Bring the children outside to whatever outdoor space you have access to.  Engage the children in exploring what living (a) animals (b) plants (c) other living elements (d) non-living elements you can See? Hear? Smell? Touch? Let...

Pre-visit Activity: “Am I Alive?” Program

5 Senses Exploration Head outside with your students  Sit/lie down in a circle: Close our eyes, focus on your breathing.  What do we hear? What can we feel/touch? What do we smell? Can we taste anything on our tongues, does the air have a taste? We can ask these...