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Some pop, some glide, some stick and many float in the air or on the water. Every spring we see that there is enduring evidence of our local plants’ ability to survive and spread in the vibrant new growth that carpets our forests and fields. How seeds travel merits closer investigation! Some, incredibly, are spread by animal scat (poop). Your students will participate in some hands-on activities, which simulate the dispersal of seeds (except the scat one!), sort and collect wildflower seeds and examine in detail, their methods of dispersal.

Science Curriculum Links *

  • Grade 3 

Season Availability

Fall, Spring

Program Location

Kawartha Outdoor Education Centre
Douro-Dummer, ON

* Curriculum links for this program are based on "The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Science and Technology"

Feel free to contact us about modifying programs to suit older or younger students.