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Action for the environment is something we promote and act upon each day here at Camp K.  Whether collectively or individually, no matter how big or small…we can all make a difference.

We encourage our students, the summer campers and anyone we come in contact with to consider the natural environment in their daily lives and how they can help make the planet a healthier place. 

We encourage you and your family to choose one or more days each week through the month of March to TAKE ACTION, to support local wildlife and wild spaces, as well as lessen your own impact on the environment. 

Here are some activities to get you started or to add to your ongoing actions and choices:

  • Raise funds to donate to a local environmental cause – Camp K comes to mind 😊, but there are many others too.
  • Write your MP, MPP, and/or Mayor to ask them to promote legislation to eliminate plastics or designate a wetland as a Natural Heritage Property – everyone, literally everyone, needs to be engaged to help the planet.
  • Plan a pollinator garden – then be sure to plant it when the time is best.
  • Become an active and contributing member of a field naturalist group or a land protection group or a waterways protection group – emphasis on active and contributing.
  • Walk to school or work at least three times a week for the month of March – think of the health benefits.
  • Visit your Farmer’s Market each Saturday for the month of March and buy your vegetables, cheeses and meats from a local producer – imagine the reduction in your carbon footprint.
  • Reduce your plastic consumption.  Stop using “single-use” plastic, like bottled water, plastic cups, plastic bags, plastic straws.
  • Start composting your green remainders – remember, it’s not green ‘waste’ because it’s not wasted when it makes amazing compost.
  • Encourage your company or school to have their own day of action and offer examples e.g. pick up litter in a park or stream; sponsor the rehabilitation of an injured wild animal by taking up a collection.

If you have a child 12 or younger who performs three of these actions, be sure to email Susan with the list of accomplishments at and your child’s name will be entered into a draw for a Camp Kawartha swag package from our Gift Store!