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Our Canoe Garden and Parking Lot Gardens have truly ‘produced’ this summer and our summer campers are the beneficiaries!  The Kitchen staff are receiving buckets of lettuce, beans, kale, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and mighty fresh herbs almost every day!  Our salads, soups, sandwiches, lasagnas and even snacks are getting gobbled up and tastebuds are in overdrive because the fresh tastes pop!

There are great lessons in our garden to table refrain for our campers.  Lessons about self-sufficiency; the discipline of care and patience; appreciation of hard work and perseverance; an appreciation of nature’s beauty and bounty; the taste of food that is fresh; saving money; and practicing good health and nutrition are just some of the benefits.

The hot sunny days, plentiful rain, and some tender care from staff has made this one of the most successful gardening seasons yet!  And we still get to harvest the acorn squash, pumpkins, and beets!  Maybe we need a vegetable canning program!