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The Kitchen is more than just a place that does the cooking – it is the heart of the Camp! Chef Carter (Camp Name – Gnome) and his team are fueling the bodies, minds, and souls of hundreds of campers. Their experience here is as much wrapped up in the nutritious meals they eat as the adventures they have!

Carter is back with a great seasonal recipe for you to enjoy!

What you will need:

Zucchinis / Olive Oil / Red Miso Paste / Tahini / Water / Salt / Pepper

What you will do:

Slice the zucchinis into quarter inch rounds.

Toss them in olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Place directly onto a hot grill and cook until fork tender.

Mix together equal parts miso and tahini, while adding small amounts of water at a time, until smooth.

Season with salt and pepper.

Serve alongside or drizzled over the grilled zucchini.