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Camp Kawartha, in partnership with Otonabee Conservation is proud to present “Be a Watershed Steward: A Program for Elementary & High School Students“.

We would like to thank our generous donors who helped make this program possible.

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How the program works:

In Phase One of the Be A Watershed Steward program, students visit the Camp Kawartha Environment Centre participate in watershed programming. Programs are linked to the Ontario Curriculum and focus on water conservation, water quality and the importance of wetlands and uplands in maintaining watershed health. As part of their visit, students will take a tour of the unique sustainable features showcased by the Environment Centre – one of Canada’s most sustainable features.

children planting treesDuring Phase Two students put knowledge into to action. Let by talented Otonabee Conservation educators, students work to establish pollinator gardens in their own school yards. By creating more pollinator friendly spaces in our region, students help to restore the integrity of the uplands and improve water quality. Fully one third of all of our crops depend on insect pollinators – as do many of our native plants. A healthy watershed means an abundant cover of native plants that aerate the soil, absorb run off and add to biodiversity. Students will also be assisting in the important work of creating pollinator pathways for our community.

Upon successfully completing both programs, students receive a “Be a Watershed Steward” certificate.

Call Camp Kawartha for more details or to make a booking: 705-652-3860