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Counsellor Skills Development

Applications for 2025 Open October 15th!

Wilderness Counsellor Skills Development (WCSD)

4-Week Program in July for campers going into grade 10

This once in a lifetime program helps campers to develop close friendships, leadership skills, confidence in themselves, and foster a relationship with nature all while building their outdoor skills. Features of this program include:

A 3-Night ORCKA Certifiying Canoe Trip

The Ontario Recreational Canoeing and Kayaking Association Levels provide campers with the foundations to begin a lifelong love of Canoe Tripping! Led in partnership with an ORCKA certified Instructor, campers will have the oppourtunity to work towards their ORCKA level 1 certification over the duration of the trip, and learn the foundationals of canoe tripping, including: 

  • Water safety & Tripping Safety 
  • Portaging and Paddling Skills
  • Setting up camp 
  • Knot tying, setting up tarps
  • Navigation 
  • Firebuilding 
  • And more!
A 7-Night Algonquin Canoe Trip

The 7-night canoe trip is a chance for the WCSD’s to apply their skills in a longer duration canoe tripping setting. On this trip, campers will have the chance to familiarize themselves with the ins-and-outs of canoe tripping, make close, lasting bonds, and expierence the beauty and wonder of Algonquin Park. With a leadership focus, campers will have the opporuntity to learn about leadership tyles, teamwork, and collaboration, as well as develop independence and a stronger sense of self through overcoming challenges and obstacles. 

Wildernes & Leadership Skill Building On-Site

While back at the main camp

Leadership Skill Development

During their month at camp, campers in the WCSD program will cover topics and develop skills in the following areas:

  • Teamwork, Communication, and Collaboration

  • Responsibility and Initative

  • Resiliency and Overcoming Obstacles

  • Leadership Styles, and Individual Leadership Strengths


“Hard” Skill Development

During their month at camp, campers in the WCSD program will cover topics and develop skills in the following areas:

  • Canoeing skills such as Paddling and Portaging

  • Wilderness skills such as Firebuilding, Navigation

  • Tripping skills such as wilderness safety, campfire cooking


Counsellor Skills Development (CSD)

4-Week Program in July and August for campers going into grade 10

This life-changing expierential learning program helps campers to establish and grow their leadership style with the support of close friends, and supportive counsellors, and they build thier journey towards effective leadership. Campers develop thier swim skills as they work towards achieving a certification of Bronze Medallion or Bronze Cross, and Standard or Emergency First aid.

Standard or Emergency First Aid Certification

Standard First Aid or Emergency First Aid certification is an essential skill for anyone interested in working as a counsellor in the future, and is foundational to lifesaving skills at the waterfront. This certification focuses on helping campers establish the foundations to recongize and treat common conditions requiring first aid. As a 2-day course, this certification involves classroom hours as well as practice of the skills learned throughout the course. 

Bronze Medallion or Bronze Cross Certification

Certified through the Lifesaving Society of Ontario, the Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross courses are the first two steps towards achieving a National lifeguard Certification. Through these courses, campers will begin to build the foundational skills of lifesaving at the Camp Kawartha waterfront. Our expierenced instructors help campers adapt to lifesaving within a waterfront environment, and are intentional about easing campers into the course, and meeting them where they are at with their swimming skiils, to foster an environment where every camper is well supported and able to work towards the lifesaving goals. 

Families can read more about the Bronze courses at the Lifesaving Society’s website. 

A 4-Night Algonquin Canoe Trip

On their 4-night Algonquin Canoe trip, campers will be introduced to the essential skills of canoe tripping, and will grow their canoe tripping skills throughout the duration of the trip. Designed to be a moderate-level trip, campers of any skill or expierence level will have the oppourunity to paddle, portage, make camp, and build additional wilderness and leadership skills while out on canoe trip.

Leadership Skill Development

During their month at camp, campers in the CSD program will cover topics and develop skills in the following areas:

  • Teamwork, Communication, and Collaboration

  • Responsibility and Initative

  • Resiliency and Overcoming Obstacles

  • Leadership Styles, and Individual Leadership Strengths


“Hard” Skill Development

During their month at camp, campers in the CSD program will cover topics and develop skills in the following areas:

  • Standard or Emergency First Aid

  • Bronze Medallion or Bronze Cross Swimming Skills 

  • Foundational canoe tripping skills


2025 Dates & Rates

Counsellor Skills Development (4 weeks, WCSD & CSD)

All campers interested in our Counsellor Skills Development Programs must submit a Leadership Application for consideration. Applications close on October 29th, 2024. To apply, sign-in to the online portal and select “Leadership Applications”. All campers accepted into the program will be able to register following their acceptance to the program.






Counsellor Skills Development  – July (CSD1) 15-16 (Starting Gr. 10 in Sept. ’25) Friday, June 27 – Wednesday, July 23 $5,195
Counsellor Skills Development – August (CSD2) 15-16 (Starting Gr. 10 in Sept. ’25) Sunday, July 27- Friday, August 22 $5,195
Wilderness Counsellor Skills Development – July  (WCSD) 15-16 (Starting Gr. 10 in Sept. ’25) Friday, June 27 – Wednesday, July 23 $5,195

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

Do I need to be a strong swimmer in order to do CSD?

Not neccessarily – but foundational swimming skills will be important for any camper who is hoping to achieve their bronze medallion or bronze cross. Our staff are prepared to help campers build their skills over the duration of the course, and build up towards the skills that are neccessary in order to recieve the bronze awards. If a camper has previously attended camp and has recieved a ‘Green’ string on their swim check, this is a good sign that they have the foundation that they will need to work towards success in this program. 

If you cannot swim or don’t feel comfortable in the water, please reach out to our team ahead of your application. We strive to ensure equal access to our leadership programs wherever possible, and want to work with candidates to support them where needed. 

If you have nerves or questions about the swimming portion of CSD, please reach out to our team toensure you recieve the support that you need. 

*Please note: It is not a guarantee of the CSD program that every camper will achieve their bronze award. This is subjective to the judgement of the swim instructor and the swim examiner. Campers must demonstrate spesific fittness and swimming skills in order to recieve their award. 

Do I need previous canoe trip expierence to do WCSD?

No. Our WCSD program is designed to meet participants where they are at when they enter thr program, starting with the foundational skills. All campers headed out on trip do need to pass a swim check, and must be deemed healthy enough by our healthcare team before they can head out – but these remain the only two requirements to going on canoe trip. Campers will be taught all the skills they need as they prepare to go on canoe trip!

If you have nerves or questions about the canoe trip portion of WCSD, please reach out to our team to ensure you recieve the support that you need.

How much swimming does the CSD program involve?

Typically, the CSD campers will swim each morning from about 9:50am – 12:30pm, for two out of the four weeks of the program. The afternoons and evenings are spent building leadership skills, engaging in other areas of camp, planning programs and more! Additional swim time may be added in where required to help campers build up their skills enough to complete the requirements of the course, but we try to stike a good balance between swim time and other activities so that campers get a mix of everything.

If you have nerves or questions about the swimming portion of CSD, please reach out to our team to ensure you recieve the support that you need.

Can I apply to a CSD program if I'm going into grade 11?

Yes! CSD and WCSD start with campers heading into grade 10, but with some campers preferring to start their leadership jouneys a little bit later on, the program will often be a mix of campers going into Grade 10 or 11. 

How hard is either program?

Moderately challenging. Both programs are designed to challenge campers and push them to explore a little bit outside their comfort zone – all while supported by our Leadership Directors. Campers can expect to have moments of challenge in either program – moments that lead to growth, learning, and resiliency. If at any point a camper is finding any element of either program too challenging, they can collaborate with their Leadership Director on the best way to move forward. 

I'm not sure which program is right for me. What should I do?

Reach out to us! Our summer camp team will be happy to talk with you in-depth about each of the programs, and help you find a program that will be a good fit for you. You can reach our summer camp director at 

Have questions? Get in touch with us!

Email our Summer Camp Director, Emma, with any inquiries! We’ll be happy to talk with you soon.

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