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Cathy pointing to sign for health centreCathy “Fleet” Romano arrived at Camp Kawartha 20 years ago as the camp nurse with her four children in tow. She was immediately hooked!As a 20-year volunteer, she has been an invaluable member of the Camp Kawartha family during that time. She has impacted the lives of many and continues to do so to this day. We are forever grateful for her contribution! In the summer of 2017, Camp Kawartha named our health centre in Cathy’s honour in appreciation for her dedication throughout the years.

The Cathy Romano Health Centre can be a busy place. Itchy poison ivy infections, swollen sprained ankles, home-sickness, and sun burns are all symptoms that tell us Summer Camp is in full gear!

Although the Cathy Romano Health Centre has a new name, the building itself is aging and there is an urgent need to replace it. It is not accessible, it is cramped, it sits on piers and is energy inefficient. Work has already begun to design and construct a Zero Building, which translated means zero net energy use; zero carbon footprint; zero toxins; and zero construction waste. This supports our goal of becoming recognized as a national environmental education leadership centre, showcasing to the region, province, country and world what innovative green buildings can look like.

The redesigned Health Centre will not only accommodate the health needs of campers and staff but it will show how people and nature can occupy the same space so that both can thrive.

November 27, 2018 is #GivingTuesday, a national day of giving that brings Canadians together to make the world a better place. We need your help to build a better place for our health centre. By clicking on the link below, your support through Giving Tuesday will help us ensure the new Cathy Romano Health Centre becomes a reality.

Thank you for helping us make a difference as we look after the health care needs for the next generation of environmental stewards and leaders.