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As part of the Federal Government’s commitments during our bi-centennial year in 2017, citizens were welcome to visit national parks and sites without charge.  From all accounts, we did so in droves!

Now, in the latest Federal budget that opportunity is extended for kids 17 and under to visit parks, historic sites, and marine parks without cost.  Bill Morneau, our Finance Minister stated “This budget recognizes something that every Canadian understands:  that our quality of life, and our present and our future prosperity is deeply connected to the environment in which we live.”  He went on to state that “…wild spaces are central to our identity as Canadians.”

Yay!  The Federal Government gets it – kids need to connect with nature in order to appreciate, even love it.  We recommend you take advantage of this legacy of Canada 150 and take your children to a national park.  What a fantastic opportunity to show them up close the life systems that support us all!

kids exploring nature in winter