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Goodbye July

As the Registrar who handles school groups and weekend rentals, summertime means a less frantic workday as bookings slow down and the site turns into a vibrant summer camp. Instead of days spent with my right ear perpetually stuck to the phone and my nose pressed...

Otter Update

The saga of the Woodland Wildlife Sanctuary’s rehabilitated otters, Burt and Loni, who were released at my riverfront property on Easter weekend continues.  We set up a trail camera at the rendezvous site so that we could monitor their behaviour and make sure...

The Joy of Putting Otters in the Water

I had the thrill of a lifetime this Easter weekend when the Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary arrived with two very special charges ready to taste freedom for the first time since they were knee-high to a mackerel.  Monika and her crew drove 2 hours from their facility in...

I Have Worms!

Yes, I admit it.  After precisely 2 years of employment at Camp Kawartha, I finally have worms! I’ve had them all winter but didn’t realize it until a few days ago when I was alone in the greenhouse watering and weeding and thinking about giving the fish...

Kitchen Renovation Underway!

It couldn’t be put off any longer, Camp Kawartha’s kitchen needed an overhaul. On Nov 5, 2012 with hammers and crowbars swinging and saws a-buzzing, the old walls, floors and ceiling were wrestled out to make way for an upgraded, efficient space to prepare those...