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Health Centre

Health Centre The Camp Kawartha Health Centre is an eco-friendly straw bale building (2021) that has a fully equipped clinic with first aid supplies, over-the-counter medications, as well as patient assessment tools (BP cuff, thermometer, stethoscopes, oxygen...

A Tapestry of Colour

This is a part of a series of articles based on Jacob’s new book called The Book of Nature Connection – 70 Sensory Activities for all Ages, published by New Society Press and released on April 18th, 2022. Right now, move your head slowly from side to side. Look around...

The Magic of Nests…

If you think about it, a bird egg is a beautiful thing. Within this fragile container is the promise of new feathered life. And bird eggs come in a surprising variety of shapes, sizes and colours. No matter what they look like, there is one fact that may seem obvious but deserves mention – eggs roll. And a rolling egg is not a safe egg. Keeping her eggs both warm and safe is the challenge every mother bird faces. That is why she makes a nest – sometimes an elaborate affair like the woven, hanging nest of a Northern Oriole, or sometimes as simple as a hollow scrape in the ground like that of a Killdeer.