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From: The Evening Examiner, Peterborough – Friday, June 16, 1922


Nearly one hundred Rotarians, Kiwanians and their friends visited the Rotary Camp at Clear Lake yesterday afternoon and inspected the splendid buildings the Rotary Club have erected for the good and welfare of the boys of this city. The Rotarians provided every convenience and device for the comfort and entertainment of their guests. At four o’clock, the steamer Islinda was waiting at South Beach to take the party two miles across the lake to the camp. Motors (autos) were abandoned, and the sail was an enjoyable part of the programme.
Arriving at the camp, sports and baseball games were held, and the property and buildings subjected to the closest scrutiny they have received to date. The camp passed the inspection with flying colours. The ladies were particularly loud in their praises of the permanence and completeness with which the work has been carried out.
The finishing touches are being added and the last nail will be put in tomorrow, it is expected. An enjoyable picnic supper was held on the grounds and in the evening, before the mosquitoes put in an appearance. The return trip was made on the Islinda and the automobiles performed their part in bringing the large party safely back to Peterborough.
It seems some things have changed, and others have not. Note that they arrived at the Camp by boat. This was common before Camp Line was put in and then Birchview Road. What has not changed? The mosquitoes!
Archive black and white photo of men in front of a cabin with a large front porch
Thank you to Frances Gravel for digging up these interesting articles of Camp Kawartha past.
And thank you to the Peterborough Museum & Archives for providing amazing pictures from our earliest days like this one!
This photo shows the kitchen/dining hall and some, what we assume, are cabins. The main building was situated where our volleyball court is now located – the Lake would be on the right. Our new Health Centre would be to the left.
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