Get Involved
Alumni tell us that their experiences at Camp are often the ones they remember most in life. For some, camp is a life altering experience, from teaching life skills to fostering a sense of belonging and community. If you are an alumnus of Camp Kawartha and want to stay involved, there are a number of ways you can help.
Alumni Reunion
Our Alumni Reunion is held every second year. Earlier reunions have featured an evening campfire with singing, storytelling and reminiscing. Staff representing 15 different years have attended along with current staff. All partners and children are welcome.

We actively welcome your involvement as volunteers. If you have any experience in carpentry, electrical work, welding, fiberglass, hold an F Class driver’s license or any other skill that might assist the camp, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at (705) 652-3860; or toll-free at 1-866-532-4597.
Help Send a Child to Camp
Remember the wonderful memories that many of you have had when you went to camp. Pass this on to another child who may not be quite as fortunate. Please consider making a donation to help send a child to camp. Your support is gratefully appreciated.

Stay Connected
- If it is not already current, please contact us to update your information so we can keep you informed.
- Join the mailing list for the Zingette, the Camp Kawartha Alumni Newsletter.
- Send us your stories and your photos so we can share them with others.
Historical Documents
In Memory
In this section, we pause to give thanks to those who have given us so much. It was their hard work, dedication and belief in the importance of children and camping that has enabled our organization to grow and thrive. To them we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude.
- Jack Frost – Maintenance
- Max Comstock – Founding Board Member
- Bernie Cahill – Founding Board Member
- Clarence Pugsley – Board Member
- Abby MacNaughton – Outdoor Educator
- Don White – Founding Board Member
- Kim Vardy – Summer Camp Bus Driver