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Hi Camp Families,

It has been a year like no other. It would seem an overwhelming task to plan when there are more questions than answers. So, how do we proceed?

We proceed together! 

It is possible to prepare for the future without knowing what it will be. There are 3 ways Camp Kawartha plans to do this:

  1. We will do it TOGETHER
  2. We will do it ONE DAY AT A TIME 
  3. We will do it with the TRUST we have built with our families over the years

I’ve taken a front seat to the transitions and challenges facing Ontario Schools. As a high school teacher in the classroom in a high-risk area of the Toronto District School Board, I’ve witnessed both the challenges and opportunities this school year presents. This inside knowledge and experience has convinced me that we can thrive in the current environment and new normal. I see the courage of the students and the consistent role-modelling around the school of wearing masks, using hand-sanitizer and physical distancing. What we hear on the news can make us feel distressed and out of control, but “on the front lines,” I am inspired by the co-operation, the empathy and the looking out for one other. I have no doubt, that this environment of co-operation will make for an unprecedented summer of success and milestones….and I can’t wait to get STARTED!!!

The situation with COVID-19 remains fluid, but we are working under the premise that by next summer, there will either be a “game-changer,” like a vaccine, more effective treatments or an easy test that can been taken frequently, easily and accurately that will allow camp to function in a mostly normal state. Any greater danger to campers and staff, I believe will lead to another government closure of summer camps, or our own decision to close camp to protect our staff and families.

Our dedicated team includes Cathy Romano, our Health Care Coordinator, who was also part of the OCA Medical Task Force Committee this spring scrutinizing the Provincial health guidelines and producing OCA guidelines that camp would have to follow if camps were to open. Her proven track record also includes the management of camp protocols in confronting the H1N1 virus for the summer of 2009 and our multiple health checks prior to campers entering the camp, on the 1st day and throughout a camper’s stay. Cathy’s experience as both a Health Care provider and her central position at camp gives me great peace of mind that no challenge is insurmountable. For more on Cathy’s views and history at Camp Kawartha, please watch this video.

As we approach registration and prepare for Summer 2021, we will be taking a step-by-step approach – solving the challenges directly in front of us and what we can control. Our first challenge is setting the dates which will take into consideration movement in and out of the camp. For dates (other than the 4-week leadership programs), this means streamlining our sessions to 1 & 2 week increments, shortening them by one-day and slightly adjusting arrival and departure times to ensure smooth transitions. This allows more thorough cleanings to take place between sessions by our excellent cleaning, facilities and maintenance staff.

The streamlining of sessions also means a restructuring of our PLC program from two 3-week sessions to three 2-week sessions to coincide with Sessions B, D and E, and changing the age requirements from 13-14 years to 14-15 years. In addition, the programs CK Overnight, CK101, Session E2 and PLC-Extra will not run in 2021. Finally, registration for Day Camp sessions will remain closed until at least February as we monitor the conditions leading into next summer. In the meantime, the waiting list will be available for all Day Camp sessions and we encourage families to sign up for the sessions they would like to attend.

We see 2021 as a light to the future. The passion for summer camp remains strong for our team and I know is in high demand for parents and their children. I have always felt that we are in this together. Our gain is your gain, your loss is our loss and as we build toward Summer 2021, we will be constructing safety and risk protocols that leave nothing to chance. We will be ready that 1st day to open to our parents and campers to ensure that their health and safety is protected by the measures, policies and advances in place. The collective experience of our staff and their dedication to their jobs and to our families is our insurance to working and moving forward as diligently as possible.

I hope the messaging for the launch will reflect this and give you as much reassurance as possible. Parent feedback will also be vital in this process. Any concerns or experiences you can share are not only appreciated, but will strengthen the process of a return to camp in 2021.

Summer 2021 is our 100th year and we look forward to our triumphant return with the camp traditions and values that enables the well-being of our camper, staff and the Camp Kawartha community. A year lost at camp has left a void that we are excited to make up for. This obstacle will become an opportunity for growth and co-operation that will lift our collective spirit and ability to influence positive change like never before.


Adam Strasberg
Summer Camp Director

A final shout out to our 2020 Summer Staff who retained their camp spirit throughout. Watch this video to see what they were up to this summer!