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Here is an excerpt from The Evening Examiner, April 18, 1922.


Although Peterborough is situated close to some of the most beautiful lakes and finest camping grounds in Canada, many of the boys of this city have never been able to enjoy a holiday in the great outdoors. They might as well have been living a thousand miles away, so limited have been their opportunities to get away from their city surroundings. Thanks, however, to the Rotary Club and the co-operation of other organisations, and the generous assistance of individual citizens, a new day seems to be dawning for the underprivileged boys of Peterborough. The summer camp at Clear Lake, where the Rotarians have purchased a camp site of eleven acres, will provide the youngsters who have hitherto been deprived of a chance to indulge in camp life with at least two weeks with nothing to do but fish and swim and paddle and row—and eat and sleep, of course. There will be, in fact, if present plans are carried through to maturity, no fewer than five different camps located at the Rotary camp site next summer. In the first place, Rotary will carry on a two weeks’ camp under its own direction at which some fifty boys will be accommodated. During the rest of the summer the camp will be loaned by Rotary to four other organizations—the Y.M.C.A., the Mentors’ Club, the Boy Scouts and the Holy Name Society—all of which are expected to carry on two weeks’ camp, so that altogether the camp will be open for ten weeks and provide a unique opportunity for the boys of Peterborough. With this splendid movement functioning and the Peterborough Health Association’s summer camp at Jackson Park operating for the benefit of children whose health is below normal, the summer of 1922 should be a memorable one for young Peterborough.

An archive photo of 5 men standing alongside some wooden beams that will form the base of a future camp building. Photo Credit: PCMA – 2000-012—002615-19


Thanks to Frances Gravel for taking the time to research the Examiner archives and finding these interesting glimpses of the past.  We will be featuring more of these in coming newsletters.

If you have a story and/or pictures you would like to share, reach out to Susan –

Help us celebrate our anniversary with your memories!!