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Environment Centre Program

Traditional Skills

Throughout history and around the world, people have skillfully found ways of providing food, warmth, shelter, and community; all without the aid of modern conveniences. From plant identification to fire-making, students learn how various Indigenous cultures survived in the ofttimes harsh northern conditions of this land. How better to learn about traditional living than by trying out some of these life-sustaining skills?

Curriculum Links:

* Curriculum links for this program are based on “The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Science and Technology

Feel free to contact us about modifying programs to suit older or younger students.




three people cutting branches

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Pathway to Stewardship & Kinship

Landmarks 17. Try a New Sport, Craft, and Survival Skill 19. Explore Biodiversity 25. Develop Three New Outdoor Skills

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)