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Hello CK families, campers and community members!

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to our camp with donations and offering support due to the storm. It’s in times like theses where we are so grateful for the amazing community and the lifelong commitment of Camp Kawartha families that are always willing to stick it out with us through thick and thin.

Even though the storm has done some damage, we have many things to look forward to! Summer camp 2022 is a GO! Not only do we have an optimism that it is going to be the best summer ever, we also have reason to jump for joy as it is CK’s 2nd 100th year anniversary! This summer we will be celebrating another milestone as Camp Kawartha turns 100 AGAIN!

We will be celebrating another 100th year anniversary as in 1922, CK ran its first overnight camp! What a better way to celebrate then by having you all join us for another fabulous summer!

While you are all at home, work and school patiently awaiting summer, our summer camp staff is busy working away to ensure that we have all of your campers wacky favourite games, crafts and activates ready to be played with and used by the time your session rolls around. This summer will be like no other as we have a new found excitement for joining together as a camp and recreating what was known as a normal summer. We are excited to be saying goodbye to cohorts and saying hello to camp wide games and goofy silly times! Our waterfront, volleyball court, upper and lower playing field, and the range are patiently awaiting for your happy campers to be running around!

Along with camp games and activities, we also have some new exciting camp features like a new healing garden, a water trampoline, and a waterfall! If your camper enjoys gardening, we encourage you to pack their gardening gloves as we are excited to introduce our campers to sustainable food resources, and a fun chance to get involved with growing and maintaining various plants!

If you have any questions about this upcoming summer, or simply want to chat about what our summer camp looks like, our summer camp team would be happy to zoom chat or call with you and your camper! Nothing matters to us more than making sure your camper is pumped up and excited to come spend some time with us at CK!

That’s all for now, but continue to grow and foster excitement as summer rapidly approaches!

Frito and Welsh